Television with Man, Woman, and Dog
Retro cartoon clip art of a man, woman, and dog on a Mid-Century Modern Style television set. It also includes a version with a blank TV screen. 100% editable vectors and layered PSD, along with individual elements in PNG formats. Bonus vector grain-shader background.
Our SoloClips stock images, clip art, and original illustrations feature a variety of eclectic, quirky, and vintage items that can't be found anywhere else. Full of lo-fi goodness, they are created to have the look and feel of vintage printing and reproduction techniques.
Basic License: For use as a website image and small project runs (500 or less). For detailed information about the Basic License click here.
Extended License: For use on larger personal or client projects. Purchase this license for project runs over 500 units. For detailed information about the Extended License click here.
Please read the complete license agreement (EULA) for complete a listing of usage rights and restrictions.
System Requirements: This set includes CMYK or RGB editable vector art in both Adobe Illustrator CS6 (minimum requirement) and Adobe Illustrator CC20 (recommended requirement). Catalog images are 72DPI JPG files and not recommended for use in projects.